4 hours of 1-1 strategy consulting on all aspects of your business for accelerated impact and customized coaching

4 hours of 1-1 strategy consulting on all aspects of your business for accelerated impact and customized coaching

Are you a highly motivated self-starter and dedicated implementer who benefits most from getting clear expert consulting on your business?
I’ve built my business organically from $0 to $3M in less than 4 years and have helped hundreds of entrepreneurs in all categories — from coaching to product based to architects and even brick and mortar owners — to grow to 6 and 7 figures with true time, energy, financial, and lifestyle freedom

Now introducing my Business Advisory VIP Day.
This is a pure consulting-based offer where you’ll receive 4 hours of my in-depth eyes on your business strategy, product suite, messaging, pricing, team, sales process, and marketing plan in order to create the maximum impact in the shortest amount of time.
Take 3-6 months of work and condense it into one day of concentrated focus with an expert rolling up her sleeves with you in your corner to move the needle on the biggest and most important levers of revenue and time/energy efficiency in your business.

In a business advisory VIP day, we’d be able to work on 1 or more of these main challenges in your business.
By unlocking the answers to even ONE of these, you will be able to at least double your revenue in your business over the next 3-6 months, if not immediately in some cases.

Building or refining your full product suite so you know what you’re selling for the next 12-18 months that will double the business and what to be pricing
Work through any of your pricing blocks to high ticket coaching so you can charge more and find the clients who are a match for the biggest offers you have
Understand how to do content marketing in 1-2 hours/week and free up to 10-20 hours/week of your time
Channeling the marketing message that needs to come through to attract a higher caliber of client that matches your next level
My brutally honest assessment of why you’re not selling as much as you want to be selling and a tailored assessment of your blind spots so you can sell more
Get a full social media audit by me where I look at your profiles and tell you exactly what kind of content you should be posting to sell to your ideal client
Identify your niche, ideal client archetype, and message if you’ve been struggling with it for too long and you know you need clarity once and for all to be able to move forward with your business
Team-building if you know you need more support but you’re not sure who to hire, what to have them do exactly, where to find them, or what to pay these roles, plus my recommendations of who to hire from within my private network
Your exact passive income and profitable course strategy downloaded for you if you’re making your business less energy consuming and more friendly for making room for a baby, a deeper focus on family, or a new stage of evolution beyond heavy 1-1 coaching

In one day, she did what two other business coaches failed to do with me. She identified the epic aspects of my own hero story that I hadn't been focusing on or even sharing and she helped me craft a better true tale that would resonate with the clients I want to work with.
She also helped me streamline my offerings and invited me to double my prices, of which less than a month later, I've already signed two new clients at this higher price point. This was so helpful as I had really been spinning my gears wanting to try so many different income strategies.
Now that she helped me set the proverbial destination, everything has gotten so much easier, including my messaging, which she helped me iron out.
She empowered me to speak to more than one ideal client archetype through my social media messaging. And it is all working. It's insane what we could cover in one day together. It's such a true gift to recognize your utmost potential and that made me feel so seen. So thank you. Thank you, Elaina.
Barrett Perlman
Coach, USA

I reached out to Elaina for her VIP day to gain insights on how to scale and level up my business. If you're looking for a coach that is here to give you the best, raw, direct, honest, clear, and concise feedback and advice, she's the person for you.
We were able to dial in my messaging, which has unlocked a lot of new perspectives and keys on how to deliver my message to my clients and my prospects. In addition to that, we got super clear on the strategy to really scale my business, take it to the next level and what it's actually going to look like to get it there so that it can follow a simple step-by-step system or process.
In addition to that, she also gave me insights on a lot of the systems that she's using to create a lot more freedom in her life that helps her focus on her zone of genius, which is what I desire more of so that I can do the same and continue sharing my gifts.
If you're looking for an individual that 1) has the vibe and makes the session super fun 2) has a proven track record and has the results that could be transferred to you to support you and 3) has the keys to help you unlock those doors so you can take your life and your business to the next level... This is your invitation.
If you're on the edge or you're considering it, lean in and allow yourself to get the growth that you desire.
Master Coach & Facilitator, USA

I recently had the opportunity to work with Elainna for a VIP day, and it was such a remarkable and impactful experience. I've been a coach and a business owner for several years. When I went to Elaina, I had a number of things that I had been kind of piecing together and doing on the fly, but I really wanted to dial it in and nail things in a different way.
I wanted to have a different clarity and direction and articulation of what I was doing in the world and why it's important to my clients. I went to Elaina with what I thought was a pretty exhaustive list. I wanted to talk about my mission, my message, my audience, my marketing plan, my funnel, my lead gen system, some software questions, a strategy for the remainder of the year, and redo my product suite as well. I thought that she would be overwhelmed by the list and tell me to choose one or two, but not at all. She just shrugged and said, let's get to work.
Elaina has this really beautiful way of having a very soft, wise, intuitive side married with a really smart, structured, strategic side as well. And that's really important to me because I'm super practical. Ticking through that whole list of things on the other side of that, I can say that the results have been amazing. It's been a couple of months now and I've really started working on my branding in a different way.
I've worked with many other coaches in the past and none of them have gotten me as far and as fast as Elaina did. So if you have the opportunity to do a VIP day with her, I strongly suggest you do it. It's been the best money I've spent on my business so far. Thank you, Elaina.
Jenn Urso
Executive Coach, USA

The number one reason I booked this day was because I got to a point where I knew something needed to shift in my business and I knew there was a new way that would create more ease to step into that CEO role more than managing everything myself 24/7. Everything I wrote down that I wanted to go on the VIP day, we did. We went through recalibrating the niche, looking at my team and who I have, who I needed to let go of, and who I needed to hire. Whatever messages and clarity she was receiving about me and shared were really spot on.
We also went through my product suite portfolio and reshaped how it's going to look, and I was able to anchor a few programs that were floating around but I wasn't clear about them. These four hours felt like four million years, and honestly I would have loved to have this day four years ago when I was starting the expansion of my business. It would have been so much easier. I really recommend this VIP day to everyone who is ready to up-level to a new way of running their company and gain clarity about offers or really any part of their business.
Eliska Vaea
Leadership Mentor, Czech Republic

Before I worked with Elaina, I was really struggling with messaging some of my offers and how to price at the level I was stepping into. I was already at a point where I was making consistent five-figure months and I wanted to expand that out to consistent multiple five-figure months.
I wanted help on how to package and market a few things and how to really hone in on my specific messaging. My work tends to be very feminine, which can be a bit esoteric and hard to communicate with people exactly what it is that I do. During our time together, we got crystal clear on some of these offers that were wanting to be birthed. I got really crystal clear on how to package and price these offers. And we actually mapped out a $40K/month plan so simply and easily.
Coming into this, I was in the middle of a launch where I was pretty stagnant. I had one woman that had signed up and hadn't received any other signups. We also worked on the launch strategy and I ended the launch with six incredible women inside and actually had my first five-figure day during that launch. I was literally mind-blown.
To say working with Elaina is extraordinary would be an understatement. She truly has a gift of getting down to the root and helping you get so crystal clear on your offers, your messaging, and how to speak so confidently about them. My experience was extraordinary. If you are on the fence about stepping into one of Elaina's containers, this is your sign to say yes.
Lauren Megan
Feminine Business Mentor, USA

Working with Elaina totally shifted and reoriented the direction of my business in a way that helped me to fall deeply in love with what I was creating and bring in all of my creativity and so much of what is unique about me into my offers and into my marketing.
I had no idea how to tie that all (my experience) together and package that up in order to explain my value and Elaina was able to reflect it back to me in a such a clear and concise way... it just lit me up from the inside out. I told her as we were going through it, I felt myself recalibrate to this new level of power that I hadn't fully owned in myself.
I thought I was going to this certain marker point, but I was missing a foundational step that would have probably cost me about a year of generating income and a year of grasping.
By Elaina reflecting back to me this foundational element that I was missing, I now know exactly where to focus my energy for the next 6 months and exactly how to build it out. Just to be able to walk out of there with such clarity, it just brings me deep relief and a sense of power and a sense of trust. I'm so grateful for this session. If Elaina is coming to your city, be there. Get in the room.
Passion & Purpose Coach, NY, USA

Funnily enough, I actually credit Elaina with helping me hit the 6 figure and beyond mark in my business about three years ago when I worked with her in her 1-1 coaching and her mastermind. Recently I signed up to do a 1-1 Business Advisory Day with Elaina and, let me tell you, it absolutely surpassed my expectations. The amount of what we were able to get done in a half day blows my mind.
She helped me nail my messaging and marketing strategy, helped me refine my current offer and update my product suite, AND she helped me map out the next 7 months of my business. We even went into more advanced automation and funnels strategy so I could have more time and energy back in my business.
This is the sign you need if you've been thinking about working privately with Elaina. 11 out of 10 recommend it. Take the leap to have someone of her caliber have her eyes on your business -- it's priceless.
Regina Silva
Business Mentor, USA

Wow! My head is spinning with excitement at all that we just accomplished on that call! So grateful for you offering this opportunity to meet with you in the intensive. We just created a 7 figure business! I knew I needed your magic in my life. Such incredible downloads and guidance. I haven’t been this excited or held this much belief in my business in a long time. Thank you, thank you! Cannot wait to work with you more in the future!
Kristin Svets
Life Design Coaching, USA

I joined Elaina’s VIP day because I needed some strategic support in my business. I had some systems up and running but they needed fine tuning and I wanted to bounce around some content and marketing strategies for a new launch. I’ve worked with Elaina previously so I know how valuable her insights and expertise can be. The VIP Day met and exceeded my expectations. We covered an incredible amount of ground in just 4 hours touching on many areas of the business, even the areas which were in my ‘in case we get to them bucket’. As a busy entrepreneur having someone to bounce around ideas with, point out my blind spots and fine tune my messaging and strategy is so incredibly valuable. Thank you Elaina!
Helena Day
Subconscious Success Coach, UK

About Me
Elaina Ray is a business strategist and mentor for online service providers and entrepreneurs in the personal branding and self-development space. She's the author of Becoming Self Made and the host of the Million Dollar Spirit Business podcast.
After leaving her successful corporate career at Fortune 500 companies like IBM and Uber and traveling to more than 60 countries, Elaina started her own coaching company and became a self-made millionaire by age 31 and multimillionaire by age 32.
She specializes in offer development, high ticket sales, scaling strategy, and mindset and management skills for accelerated business growth. She helps her clients hire a team, scale their operations, and refine their marketing and branding message to be more appealing to the top of their available market, in addition to developing and scaling passive income and leveraged income growth strategies.