You don’t have to feel high vibe, happy,
and in your best energy in order to make money.

I hear this frequently from very top performing clients who also behind the scenes feel an enormous emotional pressure to be feeling ONE WAY or else they won’t receive the money and client flow.


That’s one pesky, high level, nuanced, subtle, and tricky motherfucker of a limiting belief.

Here’s what I know to be true and how I coach my 1-1s and mastermind clients through this when it inevitably comes up as they’ve hit the ceiling on their previous money and manifestation energetics work with other coaches and then come to me:

You get to uplevel what part of you is the magnet for wealth and flow and growth.

It’s no longer just your emotional or energetic body.



Your mission, your soul work, your purpose, your COMPANY which can (and must) actually become something separate than you, a separate entity with its own frequency and magnetism, and THAT COMPANY, THAT WORK ITSELF, THAT ALIGNMENT TO WHAT’S IN THE GREATER GOOD FOR ALL BEINGS… is what attracts its own resourcing.

You’re like, the vehicle for it. The human with cycles and chaos and emotions and inconvenient personal life things popping up during launches and the whole bit.

But you can still allow yourself to be with that AND transcend it so that you understand that you can simply allow the soul work itself to be the magnet and to decide that its magnetism for wealth will be.

That the air waves are little never jammed to receiving mode just because you’re having a rough week or it’s 3 planets in retrograde or whaaaaatever.

The work is bigger than that.

Decide that and lock it in now.


Feeling this? Want to know what I do every day to lock this in and allow my energy work to hold frequencies stronger and higher and more steadily than what even my human emotion can do so you can do it for yourself and watch your RECEIVING MODE dial way up?!


This is a NEVER-RELEASED-BEFORE relatively low-ticket bundle giving away my absolute sacred codes around annihilating your stubbornest limiting beliefs, aligning to your next level wealth, and million dollar mindset work.


This bundle includes the FULL energetics process as I originally taught it to my mastermind clients a few months ago, which proceeded to blow their minds and send them into a quantum upward spiral just from this one training.

It also includes a few of my absolute best training sessions
that live inside my membership vault, for my premium clients only… until now.

If you’ve been DYING to know what work I do to align my energy to more wealth every single day, how I would recommend you to work with your toughest limiting belief, and my BEST mindset practices to get you in MEGA ATTRACTOR mode, then this is it.


What's included:


I will teach grounded principles on how you change your money mindset NOW, elevate your money-making potential, do clear personal development practices that will re-align you to more wealth in your life, and switch your leadership gears and how you’re showing up in your business into a powerful new level in the blink of an eye. I will teach you what I did to go from struggling in my business to bringing in six-figure months. I will teach you what’s required to generate real world wealth in your life and business.


exclusive mastermind content


I originally recorded this process for my mastermind clients and the results were SO incredible (people having insane shifts, practically overnight when they were implementing the process and calibrating to the energy I share in this module). This is the ONLY work I believe you'll ever really need to do on limiting beliefs, since I teach a repeatable methodology applicable for any stories and blocks you'll come across while building your business.


as featured in
Signature offers that sell


In this module from my Signature Offers That Sell program, we’ll amplify your confidence and remove the mindset blocks that will trip you up and keep you playing small. You’ll lay the foundation for you to birth something magical and marketable, inside a highly inspired and creative container that’s not just laying out a basic formula for you to follow but actually ACTIVATING your next-level genius brand. You’ll also learn exactly what makes some people online so magnetic that you just want to buy anything and everything they offer while so many thousands of others struggle to even make a living.


as featured in
Real World Wealth


This is the exact step-by-step process I do DAILY to rearrange any limiting beliefs or stories I personally have come up when I'm anchoring into my next level financial goals. I've never taught this process anywhere else besides in this module of Real World Wealth. Get a behind the scenes peek inside my highly acclaimed money course, where we completely rewire your system to be able to receive more money.


Absolutely do it, don’t even blink. It’s incredibly important to be held by someone who has had a lot of success and knows what they are talking about, even being in their energetic field is profound. These are the portals you have to jump through to have a successful business, like pushing through the discomfort of following your desire vs. your logic. These high paid coaches have all been through these portals where they take the risks and hire the coaches and do the things that feel so uncomfortable and those are the coaches who watch time and time again as the universe comes in and holds them and continues to support them as they take big risks. Be a yes to programs and coaches and programs that are out of your comfort zone. That’s the kind of energy you want to be calling into your space: to be in the space of people who are a yes, who are high paid, who invest in their growth and their vision in this world. Elaina is an incredible coach. I don’t know what I would have done without her. If you want to grow your business and invest in yourself, hire Elaina.

Julia Shepley

Women’s Coach, USA


When I joined Sapphire, I wanted to have the guidance of someone who clearly knew the business side of things and offered something both tangible and authentic. The investment was significant and scary for me and when I did it I asked myself: ‘Hey, what’s it going to take to see a change?’ So I invested in someone else the way I want people to invest in me, which ignited my full courage and I went all in. Straight after that, something shifted energetically and I accessed a new level of my worth. That same day I quoted my new rates and signed up two new clients. I’ve learned so much and have hit my biggest months and had a huge launch of my recent academy since then. What I learned in the five months doesn’t just serve me now, it’s going to serve me and my business for the rest of my life. If you know you’ve got something to give to the world and you’re ready to amplify your capacity to do that in business and marketing (and it’s also lots of energy and mindset with Elaina) then do yourself the favor and do what you’re asking of others and be courageous and invest in yourself. These mastermind containers provide all the answers, so there’s no excuse for staying small anymore. Take the leap.

Callum Hardingham

Inner Leadership Coach, UK


The mastermind was an incredible, life-changing transformational experience. One of the key pieces Elaina and her team were able to help me with is being able to talk about my gifts in a really clear way. As soon as I signed on and received the resource library, I knew I already got my value. That library alone is worth the investment! Understanding sales practices, how to do marketing and talk to your ideal clients, those were the pieces I was lacking, around the strategy side of things. I wanted someone who understood strategy, business, and the more subtle pieces of the energetics, as well, which is the world I come from. And the mastermind was the perfect container to support that.

Within 3 days of joining, I had my first big premium client sale. I had several of my biggest months while in the container. That’s due to a large part of understanding the sales process and psychology and learning to communicate about what I do because it’s a very unique skill set. I broke down a lot of limiting beliefs around my audience and premium pricing, too. I’m so glad that I now have magnetized high-level dream clients on a regular basis in a more feminine, non-pushy way. I love that the community is full of high vibe, exclusively personal development industry experts who are also crushing it in business, it really raises your ability to perform at an even higher level.

Selina Smith

Subconscious Reprogramming Expert, USA

Lara Ingram

After a few weeks of working with Elaina, I had my first ever $10,000 month, and the following month, a second $10,000! It was a combination of mindset and strategy work that helped me see my gifts, acknowledge how truly valuable my work is, and bring my strengths and gifts to market. That mindset shift boosted my confidence so much and allowed me to increase my prices. I’m no longer dealing with clients that ghost me or bargain with me. I’m just not available for that anymore. Elaina embodies the perfect balance between the business strategy (i.e practical, tangible tools that you can implement) and the spiritual mindset (i.e deep healing) -- and you need both to succeed! I highly recommend working with Elaina.

Lara Ingram

Documentary Filmmaker & Brand Photographer, UK


This is a NEVER-RELEASED-BEFORE relatively low-ticket bundle giving away my absolute sacred codes around annihilating your stubbornest limiting beliefs, aligning to your next level wealth, and million dollar mindset work.


Elaina Ray is a business strategist and mentor for online service providers and entrepreneurs in the personal branding and self-development space. She's the author of Becoming Self Made and the host of the Million Dollar Spirit Business podcast.

After leaving her successful corporate career at Fortune 500 companies like IBM and Uber and traveling to more than 60 countries, Elaina started her own coaching company and became a self-made millionaire by age 31 and multimillionaire by age 32.

She specializes in offer development, high ticket sales, scaling strategy, and mindset and management skills for accelerated business growth. She helps her clients hire a team, scale their operations, and refine their marketing and branding message to be more appealing to the top of their available market, in addition to developing and scaling passive income and leveraged income growth strategies.