Relearning and Renewing Your Financial Mindset With Healthy and Values-Based Wealth Growing Practices

Relearning and Renewing Your Financial Mindset With Healthy and Values-Based Wealth Growing Practices
Is the coaching industry going through a renewal of how we look at, use, teach about, and market around money?

Is the coaching industry going through a renewal of how we look at, use, teach about, and market around money?
It seems more and more people – like me and probably you if you’re here – have become disillusioned and felt themselves becoming distanced from the common ways of the coaching world when it comes to money.
Noticing the glorification of luxury and material wealth, and the noticeable absence of conversations around giving, God, and true impact beyond the self.
Wondering if the income claims were real, and if they were, if it was even a good idea to market oneself or purchase from someone marketing that way.
Feeling like speaking about feminine energy and manifestation just wasn’t lining up or making sense anymore, or totally unsustainable to practice long term.
Suspecting there’s a way to do well and even help clients financially that doesn’t translate to money being the focal point of our messaging and advertising.
Picking up on the fact that some people teaching about money may not in reality be very financially healthy or are promoting practices that seem wasteful, ungodly, or honestly out of touch with reality.
If this has been you, you’re not alone.
If you’ve been noticing these things and then wondering where you can go to be supported around your own growth financially that is more grounded, free from delusion, practical, and God-centered, I want to be a resource for you.
If you feel a desire to unlearn some of the old things you learned and renew your mind and financial practices to be in alignment with the new way you’re seeing things, I’ve got something for you.
This is the

I’ve been in the industry for 6 years, been a millionaire since 2021, and have coached hundreds of 6, 7, and 8 figure business owners. I have a lot of experience along the spectrum of how knowledge and mastery around money can be learned and taught.
I’ve done the manifestation type things – but always fretted that I was doing it wrong or it was never enough. And when money did come that way, it always came with a fear of losing it.
I’ve done the marketing that showcases how much money I’m getting and getting lots of clients that way – but I quickly noticed the kind of clients it attracted (ones who wanted a magic solution and not prepared to do the work) and how it made me feel (dead and empty inside my content).
I’ve made millions, and it always seemed to never be enough.
I’ve made lots of money, and I’ve lost money, too.
I’ve made good investments in stocks and crypto, and I’ve made stupid ones, too.
I’ve made great real estate investments, and some not so great ones, too.
Like a lot of the industry, I once worshiped money and luxury, and I’ve now come home to worshiping God and only God.

I’ve learned a lot in this area and earned a lot of wisdom through the school of real life and hard knocks as someone whose business took off and went from $0 to millions in just 2 years. I didn’t come from money or know what to do with it or how to handle the transformation.
I’ve learned a lot in this area and earned a lot of wisdom through the school of real life and hard knocks as someone whose business took off and went from $0 to millions in just 2 years. I didn’t come from money or know what to do with it or how to handle the transformation.

I learned ways that were successful and I would do them again, and I learned ways that were absolutely terrible common traps and I’d like to warn you against them.
I rejected God and put money and my business as the center and focal point of my life, and I learned what it means to be spiritually dead inside a so-called spiritual business.
God has renewed my mind around money. I’ve had a financial revival over the last year in terms of how I think about, market, invest, save, budget, circulate, donate, and win with money.
It’s possible to do very well financially – and not be consumed by it.
It’s possible to be very grounded and very involved in wealth-generating practices – and not glorify the money you steward.
Come watch the Financial Renewal masterclass
to receive a philosophy and teaching around money that isn’t very common in the coaching industry – yet – that I believe wholeheartedly will change your life and your finances for the better.

Relearning and Renewing Your Financial Mindset With Healthy and Values-Based Wealth Growing Practices

about Elaina
Elaina Ray is a business strategist for entrepreneurs in the coaching and online personal branding space. She started her first company at zero and hit 7 figures within two years. She's also the author of Becoming Self Made and has helped hundreds of coaches grow to 6, 7, and 8 figures over the last 6 years. Elaina is also a real estate investor and loves helping men and women invest in assets that create real time and financial freedom. She was saved from over 10 years in the New Age in May 2024 and is on fire to use her gifts for the kingdom.