How to grow a bigger audience, increase your visibility, be a platform of influence, and create a sought after brand that can sell anything

How to grow a bigger audience, increase your visibility, be a platform of influence, and create a sought after brand that can sell anything
Let’s talk about visibility.
Me and most of my clients are stars.

We’re meant to be in front of the world, speaking our message, shining our light, and literally getting paid to live our best lives and help our clients do the same.
And as much as I bet you know this is your dharma and you’re very connected to your magnetism and your energy, it’s still an edge.
It’s still an edge to get in front of more people.
It’s still an edge to expand quickly.
It’s still an edge to have content that gets a lot of engagement and draws lots of eyes towards you.
It’s still an edge to express bolder opinions, share your story more loudly, and have certain conversations related to the work you do that you, for a very valid reason, worry maybe people will misinterpret or it’ll stir up too much chaos on your platforms.
It’s an edge you’re willing and here to play at though. It’s exciting. This is where you can feel the growth and feel the next pulse of your next big growth spurt.
And there’s a very specific way to do all this when you’re sensitive, attuned, and awakened.
You don’t want just ANY eyes… you want the right eyes.

You want to grow more visible with the intention of growing your buyers and your business, not just for ego metrics.
Very few people teach this for people like you and me.
When I grew my business, I got visible very, very quickly. I created my ideal tribe of buyers and fans very early on – and I managed my energy very carefully in that process.
I made sure to grow channels that led to the right people coming in who would actually become clients.
I’ve grown a platform where I speak shamelessly about money – and with zero drama and weird energy. I’ve not been cancelled or hazed online.
That’s all very much by design and because of how I hold my energy AND my messaging and visibility strategy.
You don’t need a HUGE audience to make millions, but I’m guessing you want to reach more people (and people who want to invest).
You don’t need to go viral to be visible either, but I’m guessing you’d enjoy having more leads, more engagement on your content, and more streams and ways that new people find you regularly and consistently.

There’s a sweet spot for most of my energetically sensitive people, like you perhaps, where you can intentionally grow, steadily increase your followers, create more engaging content, and quite frankly sell anything you want and your audience will buy it.
Which is what I have – and it feels like the ultimate job security in the world to have an ever-growing audience of people who not just engage but want to work with me.
There’s a sweet spot for most of my energetically sensitive people, like you perhaps, where you can intentionally grow, steadily increase your followers, create more engaging content, and quite frankly sell anything you want and your audience will buy it.
Which is what I have – and it feels like the ultimate job security in the world to have an ever-growing audience of people who not just engage but want to work with me.

My goal was to create consistency and to have money coming in each month. I used to have months where I made $20-$30k but then there would be a month where I made zero or $1-$2k.
I am now in a place where I have money coming in each month. I had an easy launch with 12 women signing up 3 weeks before the program started. I am now able to create and promote things faster with the support of my team and the consistent income.
Life & Business Coach for Women, USA

In the Luminosity workshop, we’re going to talk about the strategy and energy for how to find your people, cut through the noise, capture attention, and sell whatever you want.

We’ll be covering topics like:
Audience growth strategies
How to be more visible
How to reach your ideal customers
How to bring celebrity vibes to your brand and sell anything you want
How to grow a bigger platform
What it means to be a platform of influence
And more
If you want to expand your platform this year, own your star factor, have more leads than ever reaching out while managing your energy the whole way, Luminosity is for you.

I wanted to create an inbound flow of people reading my content and booking sales calls. Now, through the work we did, I've learned how to pull forward people who are a fit for my programs and they want to invest.
Mindset Coach, USA

Before starting work with Elaina, I didn’t have a business - just simply a deep knowing that I wanted to be a coach. I had a few random clients that had come through via my network, but I didn’t really have a real sense of how to properly grow my business from the roots up.
I didn’t want to “wing” things. I was serious about building my coaching business and I wanted to understand how to build an audience and start to get REAL clients.
Now I can proudly say that my messaging is clear, I enrolled my first handful of real clients who purchased coaching packages (yay!), launched my first masterclass successfully, built an audience on socials and so much more. I gained all the skills I needed to get my business off the ground and running! I know the formula for success and have already seen the benefits of it come to fruition.
Career Transition Coach, USA

I was in a total void of clients. I quickly learned that strategy-wise I was in a good place, but I wasn't energetically aligned to what I desired. Elaina showed me how to get to a better place and I had a huge shift. I now have potential clients inquiring about my program. I feel sure about my positioning, my messaging and my energy behind all my actions.
Mindset Coach UK

About Me
Hi, I’m Elaina Ray - a business strategist and mentor for online service providers and entrepreneurs in the personal branding and self-development space. I’m the author of Becoming Self Made and the host of the Million Dollar Spirit Business podcast.
After leaving my successful corporate career at Fortune 500 companies such as IBM and Uber and traveling to almost 70 countries, I started my own coaching company and became a self-made millionaire by the age of 31 and a multi-millionaire by the time I turned 32.
I specialize in offer development, high ticket sales, scaling strategy, and mindset and management skills for accelerated business growth.
I help my clients hire a team, scale their operations, and refine their marketing and branding message to be more appealing to the top end of their available market, in addition to developing and scaling passive income and leveraged income growth strategies.