
“Less is more” as a business and
wealth-building strategy

Investment: Free


“Less is more” as a business and wealth-building strategy

Investment: Free


I am so grateful to have actual time and financial freedom at this stage of my life because of how I built my business intelligently and strategically.

Make no mistake, many of us left the rat race of NYC and London and LA only to move to some beautiful country or a quieter place to pursue our visions and creativity and desire to help others —

— and then, unintentionally, join up the rat race of the online coaching space.

Without even realizing it, the exact same pattern has shown up in something that's meant to come from a very different place.

You want a life with more peace. More values. More time for God. More stability for your future children. Better investments that actually lead to time freedom.

Instead, you might have fallen back in.

Working long hours in front of your laptop.

Doing 1000 different strategies to grow your business and not knowing which one is even working.

Posting and giving a lot, and wondering when the big growth spurt is going to kick in.

Working with clients who are “fine”, but don’t feel quite like family.

Charging less than you know you’re worth.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Your heart craves to do the work you’re meant to do. You do want to go to that next level, but you want more simplicity.


By all means, you want to do well, but you want actual financial and time FREEDOM.

Lately I’ve found that I want less in every area of my life, in the best way possible.

I want less clutter in my house.

I want fewer social activities on my calendar.

I want to take fewer supplements.

I want fewer business activities.

I want less noise around me.

By all means, you want to do well, but you want actual financial and time FREEDOM.

Lately I’ve found that I want less in every area of my life, in the best way possible.

I want less clutter in my house.

I want fewer social activities on my calendar.

I want to take fewer supplements.

I want fewer business activities.

I want less noise around me.

I want just the right followers who feel like family.

I want to run fewer programs, just the ones I love.

I want fewer houses (I have two 7 figure investments on two continents).

And what I’ve found is: I get to have less. And less is more, in every way.

I need less because what I do have is quality.

I need less because I know what I am doing is working.

And you will chase less and receive more when you practice these principles.


I want just the right followers who feel like family.

I want to run fewer programs, just the ones I love.

I want fewer houses (I have two 7 figure investments on two continents).

And what I’ve found is: I get to have less. And less is more, in every way.

I can still be a millionaire, but now I can be one who is free. Who knows her blessings. Who glorifies God in her work. Who cares less about the world and its promises that lure all of us away from the joy, peace, and love that are available right here, right now, so plentifully.

I need so much less because I am content with my position as a daughter of God, first and foremost.

I need less because what I do have is quality.

I need less because I know what I am doing is working.

And you will chase less and receive more when you practice these principles.

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The key underneath all of this: know that what you are doing is actually working.

Welcome to

  • Your mindset around money
  • Your business growth strategy
  • Your investments and wealth-building strategies

More specifically, you’re going to learn:

  • brush-bullet-24

    How “less is more” can apply to your business growth strategy for 2025

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    Real practical things I changed in my life to bring more peace & contentment while still running a 7 figure business

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    How a lot of really good coaches fall into an accidental online rat race – and how you can do well without falling into this common trap

  • 5 of the biggest mistakes I made growing a business that’s done over $3M in revenue so you can avoid them in yours

  • The 3 pronged approach I’ve taken to my business strategy over the last 6 years that’s been crazy successful without ever burning me out

  • What my most well-known clients who laid their business foundations with me years ago (and are still in the game, still sustainable, still growing) know that you should know

  • And more


“Less is more” as a business and
wealth-building strategy


Elaina Ray is a business strategist for entrepreneurs in the coaching and online personal branding space. She started her own company at zero and became a self-made multi-millionaire in just three years. She's also the author of Becoming Self Made and the host of the Million Dollar Spirit Business, Intimately with Elaina Ray, and Kingdom Builders podcasts.

Elaina specializes in million dollar messaging, offer development, high ticket sales, scaling strategy, and mindset and management skills for accelerated business growth. She teaches solid, proven 7 figure strategies with no fluff and has helped hundreds of coaches grow to 6, 7, and 8 figures over the last 6 years.

Elaina also has a multi-million dollar real estate portfolio with properties on 2 continents and helps men and women invest the income from their coaching businesses into assets that can create real time and financial freedom.