Birth your next best-selling offer, define or refine your niche, and learn a repeatable process for creating 1-1, group, or course offers that you love to sell and your people love to buy
Starts October 15, 2024
Tuesdays @ 12pm-1:30pm CST (Austin TX)

Birth your next best-selling offer, define or refine your niche, and learn a repeatable process for creating 1-1, group, or course offers that you love to sell and your people love to buy
Starts October 15, 2024
Tuesdays @ 12pm-1:30pm CST (Austin TX)
Packaging up your magic is one of the trickiest parts of being a successful coach.

It can be hard to know what to include, what not to include, how to structure the offer, and how much to charge. It can be hard to come up with names and stand out from the noise of all the other offers out there that, on the surface, may be easily confused for yours.
You love creating and coaching – and you want help with this “packaging up” process.
You’re also a visionary – I get it – and visionaries have lots of ideas.
I know it can be challenging to take all your ideas for how you can work with people and boil it down into the one next perfect offer – but that’s what you need to do as a CEO in order to make money and move your business forward.
To be a professional, you have to become extremely competent at offer creation and be able to package up the myriad ways you help people into that offer.
And you have to go one offer at a time, doing your due diligence to make sure that offer is set up to succeed and sell in the market and help your people as best as you can possibly know how.
It can also be tricky if you develop expertise in one kind of offer, say one-on-one, to move into a different kind of offer, like a course or a group program, or vice versa.
This is where the people who do the best as CEOs and professionals in this industry set themselves apart – those people are able to create all kinds of offers, have variety in their product suite, and they know with reasonable certainty that regardless of the format or the price point, that they know what they package up and how they package it up will sell.

I know you want to be one of “those people.”
So this is where I come in.
I’ve been called a channel, a business doula.
There’s something special that happens when you and I get in a room together and you let me see what I see.
When you let yourself be seen.
When you let yourself not create all alone in an echo chamber of your own brain where you’re not even sure what is so special about what it is you do.
But I see it.
You’re ready to birth something new – maybe your first premium private coaching package, maybe your first mastermind, maybe your next course – and you know the value of not doing it alone.
You want me to guide you through the process of taking this from a vague idea or something you’ve been perhaps circling around and brainstorming or developing curriculum that just channels through spontaneously but hasn’t coalesced into an official packaged up, named and branded, priced and polished, brand-spanking new offer.
I’ve helped hundreds of people to create world class coaching offers.
I’ve helped coaches who thrive in their 1-1 practice to birth their first mastermind.
I’ve helped brand new folks who sell one-off sessions to birth their first long term, high ticket offer.
I’ve helped skilled artists of personal development create courses, memberships, and their first passive products.

Clarified my niche, created three new offers, and developed a clear sales strategy through 2025!
EJ Dechenet
EFT Tapper & Business Coach, New Zealand

How I Created 4 Structured Coaching Programs in Just 4 Weeks with the Offer Incubator!
I transformed my student-athlete coaching business through the Offer Incubator program! When I started, I had no structured offers - just a general approach to helping athletes with mental blocks. Within four weeks, I developed four distinct, well-structured programs for different types of athletes, each with its own title, tagline, outcomes, and marketing strategy. Elaina's personalized guidance and feedback were invaluable. Whether you're starting from scratch or need to refine your existing offers, this program delivers results. It's been a game-changer for my coaching practice!
Mary Lynne Fernandez
Mindset & Empowerment Coach for Student-Athletes, USA

Completely changed how I think about creating and launching offers in my business

The Offer Incubator was a fantastic, succinct course that completely changed how I think about creating and launching offers in my business. Elaina has a way of making business concepts, like offer creation, so simple and easy to understand and implement.
Plus it was really great to learn alongside other highly motivated entrepreneurs who are creating amazing things in the world! I now have a long list of offers that I'm super excited about, and a strategy for launching them over the next year or so.
Jess Parvin
Holistic Business Coach & Designer, USA

$20,000 in revenue within two days of launching

I launched my new high-end program that incorporated all of my gifts in coaching – and I got $20,000 of dream clients into that program just days after launching. Together we created my high-end program, which felt completely authentic to me, and conducted market research to better understand my client niche. It was so empowering to know that what I had to offer was of value for people in the high-end market and all of this gave me a ton of confidence to launch. The deeper embodiment of my own work and this level of success achieved in such a short amount of time working with Elaina is a true testament of what’s already shifted what’s possible for me and my business.
Lauren Renee
Women’s Coach, Australia

This experience is for you if you fit into any of the following categories:

This experience is not for you if you fit into any of the following categories:

What you’ll walk away with:

The most succinct & potent transmission of the best practices of offer creation after 5 years of helping hundreds of coaching grow to 6 and 7 figures, predictably. A big reason our client community crushes it is because of these sound offer foundations.
A collapsed timeline on an offer that could take you 6 months of not having clarity, going back and forth, and ultimately not knowing if what you created and are going to spend a lot of time selling is even a solid offer for your marketplace – and get it done in a month.
An understanding of what makes a strong offer in each of the following categories: 1-1, mastermind, group program, and self-paced course/passive product so you’re prepared to diversify your product suite now and in the future.
The confidence that your offer is well positioned in the market and having a true expert who’s seen it all weigh in on how to make your offer stand out from all the noise.
You’ll watch other members of the incubator birth different styles of offers than you, so you’ll expand your mastery at other types of offers for the future when it’s your time to move into masterminds, groups, courses, or 1-1.


Even though I had a 6 figure business prior to joining, I was not aligned with my offers anymore. In my time in Elaina’s Mastermind, I created my first $20k premium 1:1 offer, and landed my first $20k pay in full client. Aside from this being a result I once only could dream of, the deeper result was that it came out of a deep commitment to self care, spaciousness in my business, and a shift out of more hustle based approach. So grateful!
Caitlin Naramore
Business Coach, USA


Before joining the Sapphire Mastermind, I was charging €35 for my sessions and only offering one-offs. I didn’t know what to even call these sessions, I just knew I had something to share with the world and I wanted to stop working my day job. When I found Elaina everything changed. I started offering 4-figure programs and attracting dream clients at that price point. What changed? Well, a lot, really. But the main things that did it for me was being around people who were already doing it and learning the strategy behind marketing and messaging.
Most importantly, I DECIDED I was going to be a premium coach. This actually started when I invested the 5 figures to join Sapphire and saved myself a lot of time and struggle trying to figure everything out myself. I literally said to myself: “Hey, I am actually going to take myself and my business seriously now. I’m done playing small!” I allowed myself to be supported for a full 5 months by a premium coach together with a group of highly motivated and ambitious people.
Even though the investment felt super scary – I made it back. Was it always easy? No. But was it worth it? Definitely YES! I now run two successful online group containers, I work with dream clients only, and working finally feels like fun. I am actually doing what I love and I am loving every minute of it. So, if you’re on the fence about investing in a coach like Elaina, just ask yourself: How serious am I about building this business for myself and my future clients? And then you’ll know what to do.
Serena Milada
Relationship Coach, Netherlands

$14,000 within 8 weeks and landing 4 high-end dream clients

Within 8 weeks, I was working with four high-end dream clients I absolutely love! I reshuffled my whole strategy in a way that is very specific to the way Elaina works. It completely changed my perspective on how to show up and build authority so that people can really trust me. I had a big mindset shift that allowed more things in my business to be possible and available to me right now.
Christine Reffo
Business Coach & Healer, Switzerland

Nervous system healers creates first high ticket $10k+ and $20k+ offers

I knew I wanted to create a premium offer, and I didn’t know how to do it. So I joined The Incubator with Elaina. Her teachings and coaching gave me the the precise information I was looking for to package up my magic. I feel joy that I was able to create a clear offer that works to communicate the value of my unique skill set. Thank you, Elaina, for your fluff-free, on-point, coaching and navigation!
Dr. Whitney Colm
Nervous System Healing Coach, USA

How it Works:

It works like a traditional incubator. For four weeks, you will be immersed in what will feel like a mini mastermind completely focused on offer creation. You will be supported with structures and directional input (from someone who has created hundreds of offers and helped hundreds of coaches just like you to birth their offers) to help you decide on your new offer, and you’ll be held accountable to birth it now and not get lost in the weeds.
You should be ready to sell whatever you come up with during the Incubator within 4-8 weeks of our work together (or less). Most of our call time will be spent doing support seat coaching where you and the other members of the incubator be in the hot seat with me and we’ll be channeling, brainstorming, defining, refining, and helping you get clear on exactly what it is you’re meant to create next.
You’ll be expected to show up on day 1 with a clear direction of the rough outline of what you’re leaning into (a course? a new high-ticket 1-1? a mastermind?) and like sculptors who are polishing the rough stone at the start of a work of art, together we’ll have a 30 day sprint to bring clarity to the vision for your next best-selling offer – Who is it for exactly? How will it work? How long is it? How much of your time do they get? How much will it cost? What’s the position/angle on it?
Each call will also provide you with streamlined, straight-to-the-point teachings to help guide you along in this process and answer your most burning offer-related questions. I’ll share the best practices I’ve seen my clients use over the last 5 years to create offers that have gone on to make them hundreds of thousands (and some of them millions) of dollars in their businesses.


When we joined Sapphire, we were doing well, but we weren’t thriving. We didn’t have a marketing strategy we felt aligned with. We created a whole new message and changed how we communicate about what we do we’re not pain oriented or problem oriented, we’re solution oriented. When we did that, the whole energy shifted and everything became very light. I remember my husband was like wow, it feels so much easier now. When I started to apply the blueprint for the messaging and the more structured ways of presenting the products and ourselves, people instantly started to sign up!
We also created a whole new product suite and launched all our online offers. People are signing up in just our soft launches and everything is paying off even though we haven’t even officially launched it yet. We signed up with a team/agency that (Elaina) recommended so we’re getting some help now to really get the message out there, too.
What surprised me most about Sapphire is that the personal process was so deep. I did not expect that I would connect to my feminine energy through a business coaching container, but I needed to do that. I knew I would get a strategy blueprint (in Sapphire), but I didn’t know that I would get that massive energetic bonus. The whole money mindset training is a massive part that (Elaina does) so well and that is broken down in such a fantastic way. I didn’t expect that it would be such a big energy transmission in and around many aspects but the money aspect was a very big one and you have a lot of content on that – and the library in and of itself is so powerful, you can go really far with that.
Sara Stenqvist
Owner, Head Coach at Living with Spirit, Thailand/Sweden


I have worked with many business coaches and learned many different approaches to business since entering the coaching industry 3 years ago, but often felt a lack of consistent and reliable structure and a way of running my business that felt like me.
Signature Offers That Sell provided the first structure and framework that felt resonant to who I am – I love Elaina’s balance between structure and mindset. The way that Elaina teaches is so detailed and specific that I could easily implement exactly what she taught (and iterate on it to make it my own). SOTS felt like being in an intimate training with Elaina!
Coming from a therapy background, I had struggled to niche and her module on niching changed everything for me. I also loved the way Elaina teaches market research. It was so fun, informative and brought amazing leads through the door. All the modules transformed how I am approaching and operating my business. I cannot highly recommend this course enough!
Relationship Coach and Therapist, USA

5x-ed her income and fully booked with dream clients

Elaina’s coaching was absolutely transformative from the inside out. She helped me get clear on where I was blocking myself from backing myself and my business, dove into my back-end to help me set up streamlined systems, and empowered and supported me every step of the way from the tiniest details to helping me organize the bigger picture. Within a month, my business had skyrocketed. I now work with DREAM clients while living in Europe and serving others through a place of integrity and belief in myself. Her expert business strategy guided me to up-level my skills, marketing, and operating systems which in turn revamped my entire business strategy for the better. I’m now fully booked out with my soul-aligned business and set up for continued growth. If you have the opportunity to work with Elaina, do not hesitate and make the most worthwhile investment in yourself.
Ellie Drabik
Business Coach & Online Business Manager, USA


Signature Offers That Sell is an incredible container for creating your first or new offer. Elaina provides so much value in a beautifully blended way between strategy and mindset. “It’s easy to follow, didn’t overwhelm me and was packed with inspired content. When I started the program, I had an idea, lots of ideas actually, but was struggling to bring it together in a clear direction.
This container has supported me in clarifying my message and really moving forward with my purpose work. I now have a very clear vision and tangible steps to take for my new program, and confident that I have all the tools I need to make the impact I truly desire. If you feel it’s time to unleash your purpose work into the world, I believe this container will support you fully in bringing your vision to life.
Business Coach, South Africa

TL;DR (Too long, didn't read)
The Offer Incubator is a small, accelerated program with lots of Q&A and personalized support seat coaching time included (most of our time is spent coaching actually, so you get to birth that offer with my eyes on it with you). There’s always call replays in case you can’t come live and you’ll have access to them for 12 months. There’s never refunds and never any guarantees. And no, I’m not running this program again so you can drag your feet for another 6 months and not see any results. Time is of the essence and I don’t work with the ones who aren’t hungry for change, impact, money, fame, glory, all of it and want it now and not later. Come eager for the uplevel and I got you.
I’ve done Signature Offers That Sell, is this the same thing?
I don’t sell offers that are the same thing. This is an incubator and provides lots of real-time coaching opportunities, whereas Signature Offers That Sell is a self-paced course you take yourself through. If you want my expert eyes on your offer, feedback on what you’re creating, and coaching on making your offer idea better, this is what we do in The Offer Incubator.
About Me
Hi, I’m Elaina Ray - a business strategist and mentor for online service providers and entrepreneurs in the personal branding and self-development space. I’m the author of Becoming Self Made and the host of the Million Dollar Spirit Business podcast.
After leaving my successful corporate career at Fortune 500 companies such as IBM and Uber and traveling to almost 70 countries, I started my own coaching company and became a self-made millionaire by the age of 31 and a multi-millionaire by the time I turned 32.
I specialize in offer development, high ticket sales, scaling strategy, and mindset and management skills for accelerated business growth.
I help my clients hire a team, scale their operations, and refine their marketing and branding message to be more appealing to the top end of their available market, in addition to developing and scaling passive income and leveraged income growth strategies.