Activation for more premium clients,
money in your sleep, and BIG steady cash
months regardless of where you are now
Lightning speed.
You were born to be a CEO. You’re a self-starter, bold leaper, and ACTION TAKER.
You’re someone who takes the thing and RUNS with it. Your coach tells you something, it’s done next week. You get an idea and it’s out into the world with relatively little perfectionism and hesitancy blocking the flow of your genius.

You don’t need me or any other coach peering over your shoulder or holding your hand -- you know good ideas and smart systems when you hear them and you are GAME to go and implement.
Basically when it comes to life and business, you know you got this. And you’ve decided you’re going straight to the top of this industry, no matter where your revenue is right now.
Because you know it’s irrelevant. There are no rules. You can go from $0 to $100K in a few months (some of my clients just like you have) or $100K/years to $100K/months (I did).
Hell, if I knew the things I’m going to teach you in this accelerator, I would have been a millionaire in 1 year instead of 2.
What you and I both know is if you got your hands on some of the best practices from someone playing at the level you want to play at, who has coached people just like you all day long for YEARS, and has the sight and experience of playing at the top that you would absorb that like a sponge.
That’s what this immersion is built for.
It’s been a long time since I haven’t seen a $50K cash month, and this reality is available to you, too. You can standardize the energy of expecting to make that kind of income, and you can learn what it takes from a business structure, team, mindset, and marketing perspective to make it happen. Many of my mastermind and private clients have seen these results when they implement what I teach inside this accelerator.
Let me take a guess at some things about you.
Revenue is plateauing.
You’re really booked up and need to figure out a way to have sales going up but there seems to be an annoying little glass ceiling you want to smash through into the lands of the $50k-$100k/month coach (and there are many of us here happy for you to join).
Your capacity seems maxed out but you know that’s just an illusion that some better structure, systems, and LEVERAGE within your business would absolutely fix, stat.
You play big but you’re also playing with a bit of a mess behind the scenes.
You know some SIMPLE automation, passive income streams, repurposing of your content, tweaked business model, and smart adjustments to your offer suite would set you up for 7 figures now so you get there sooner.

You could also be a slightly different kind of person reading this.
Maybe you’re really new in business, but you’re coming at with a mindset or energy very few have:
You’re like, well I can just come out of the gate swinging, right? I can just go from $0 to $50K months because plenty of people do. Why would I not go for that?
You might be the type who simply wants to build excellence from the very beginning and know the best practices so your business starts with a rock solid foundation. Why build something that’s only going to take you to $10k/month and you’ll fully max out and need to hire another coach or rebuild the business model when you already know you’re aiming bigger than that?
So start out smart
I was like that. I know I wouldn’t have gotten to where I am so fast if I didn’t have this mindset that you have too.
So let’s do this thing.
The strategy accelerator is going to be you sitting and learning from me while I divulge industry secrets and things I normally only teach behind the doors of $25k-$100k investments with me, minimum.
The world is your oyster, magnetic woman!

Here’s the modules we cover
inside the accelerator:
Upgrading to the wealth frequency of $50K months
I show you what gets to shift in the way you look at your business, your role as CEO, and your relationship to money that might have been good enough to get you to where you are now but simply won’t cut it to take you to the high multiple 6 and 7 figure years you desire. This is an energy attunement, millionaire-in-the-making money mindset upgrade, and a practical shift in understanding exactly how you get to look at your business as the CEO in order to hit this elite level of revenue.
If you want to quantum leap your revenue, you have to have a business model that supports that tangibly. You want to be set up to grow for years to come and understanding how a scalable coaching business model works so you can multiply your revenue year after year is critical to creating this result. This is more than energy, this is the strategy behind offer suites that are simply set up from the start to make more money than others. There’s no one-size-fits-all teaching here either. I’ll show you many examples leveraging both high end and low end products and a mix of everything in between and you get to choose how you apply the sound principles of high-earning business models to your own.
Offer creation processes and best practices for groups, masterminds, memberships, and digital courses
As you start to scale your business model, you will probably be looking at creating different kinds of products and services for your clients, especially ones that free up your time and energy. You’ll learn how to leverage your group programs better, how to get paid to create digital courses, and how to start thinking about passive income and multiple revenue streams within your business. You’ll learn about the role of low end products in a high end business so you still charge premium and reach the audience numbers you desire, plus best practices for creating scalable world class masterminds, including when and how to turn a program evergreen. This module alone is a gold mine.
The strategy and energy of landing way more premium clients, raising your rates, attracting next level clients, and getting bigger pay in fulls.
Let’s talk about you playing in the realms of pricing you really desire and getting paid large sums of money all at once. You want to attract a higher caliber of client and you want to make sure you’re speaking to the ones who are ready to play big, pay in full, and be dream clients to work with inside the container. This is my speciality. We’ll talk about the messaging tweaks you get to make to attract the premium of the premium clients and get your brain on board with the next price your soul knows you want to charge so it feels like a done deal to be charging $10K, $20K, $50K whatever you want no matter what you’re charging right now, no matter what your niche is.
Hiring support and going from Solo to CEO.
You don’t have to have a team to make $50K months. Not at all, but it sure as hell helps make it easier. I’ll go over who you might want to look at bringing in to support your chosen business model, how to hire them, what to pay them, what mistakes to avoid, how to find high caliber team members that will commit to you and your business the way you do, and the mindset to be in that makes running a team fun (vs. micromanaging everybody and being disappointed in the quality of work from anyone who isn’t you).
Audience growth and lead generation strategies for the multiple 6 and 7 figure realms.
Not only are we going to talk about what you can do to bring more systemization and ease so you always have leads coming in without being in the DMs, launching all the time, and hustling to find clients, but I’m even going to teach you how to get paid to generate leads for your signature offers. Welcome to how we do things in the $50K month club.
Collapsing time around money coming in.
A big part of multiplying your revenue and operating at the top of your income generation potential is to actively collapse time around how long it takes you to make the money you make. If you earn $10K/month right now, for example, you’ve actually got everything it takes to be earning $100K/month, you just need to collapse time around how long it takes you to make what you’re making now. This is where we’ll cover the strategies that have helped some of my clients have $100K-$250K+ launches, plus alternatives to live launching and how to make launching easier every time you do it, regardless of how you do it. We'll also cover the money energetics so you can adjust your expectations for your business at a deep level -- and watch the results start to match your new energy.

"The strategies and ideas that Elaina shared just make so much sense. I can see a path to 7-figures for my business which feels so good, so smart, so elegant. I really feel like I have the strategies to play at the next level now. Elaina herself is simply a transmission. Her energy, her attitude, her mindset - just being in the space with her I learned so much about what it takes to be a 7-figure CEO."
CEO & Lead Coach at Everything is Possible, LLC & Founder of the Fully Lived Method

"I learned the high-level marketing, selling, and funnel strategies that I was specifically seeking, which was amazing, and I also was surprised and delighted by how much I simplified my business"
Maria Henning
Human Design & Gene Keys Expert & App Creator, USA

"I’m committed to my family and my personal time as well as my clients and I've found that working 20 to 25 hours a week is my limit. I came to Elaina for other more streamlined and structured ways. One of my favorite things we did together is all of the automation on the back end. It's worth it because I can do it one time and now I'm done with it and now I have multiple funnels and systems running at one time and get so many calls booked. I'm like, where did that come from? Oh yeah, my funnel, whereas before I was only filling my pipeline if I was live and offering something. Plus what surprised me was that I didn't have to create a whole bunch of new stuff. I’ve been doing this for so many years that I could just go pull from the stuff that I already had."
Megan Camille
Intuitive Business Coach, USA

"Before I worked with Elaina, I was really struggling with messaging some of my offers and how to price at the level I was stepping into. I was already at a point where I was making consistent five-figure months and I wanted to expand that out to consistent multiple five-figure months. During our time together, we got so crystal clear on some of these offers that were wanting to be birthed. I got really crystal clear on how to package and price these offers. And we actually mapped out a $40K/month plan so simply and easily. To say working with Elaina is extraordinary would be an understatement. She truly has a gift of getting down to the root and helping you get so crystal clear on your offers, your messaging, and how to speak so confidently about them. My experience was extraordinary. If you are on the fence about stepping into one of Elaina's containers, this is your divine intervention to say yes."
Feminine Business Mentor, Trauma & Womb Healer, USA

Got questions, love? I have answers.
How does the $50K Months Accelerator work?
The program is self study and pre-recorded, meaning you’ll have lifetime access to the modules in my resource library.
I need hands-on support and back-and-forth coaching on my business. Is the $50K Months Accelerator the place?
No, this is a course designed for self-starters. I’m merely giving you the strategy and marketing tactics -- it’s your job to integrate and implement the curriculum into your business. If you want a more hands-on approach with regular in-depth coaching from me, check out my Sapphire Mastermind or private coaching. -
Are there refunds or guarantees?
No, we do not promise revenue increases or guarantee monetary results. All results are up to you and your resilience and skill in implementing. We never make refunds, so once you’re in, you’re in. Please thoroughly review the Terms & Conditions and Earnings Disclaimers on this website and calculate your own appetite for risk before joining. Our testimonials showcase what's possible and are real stories from real graduates, but we offer no guarantees you will see similar results.

About Me
Elaina Ray is a business strategist and mentor for online service providers and entrepreneurs in the personal branding and self-development space. She's the author of Becoming Self Made and the host of the Million Dollar Spirit Business podcast.
After leaving her successful corporate career at Fortune 500 companies like IBM and Uber and traveling to more than 60 countries, Elaina started her own coaching company and became a self-made millionaire by age 31 and multimillionaire by age 32.
She specializes in offer development, high ticket sales, scaling strategy, and mindset and management skills for accelerated business growth. She helps her clients hire a team, scale their operations, and refine their marketing and branding message to be more appealing to the top of their available market, in addition to developing and scaling passive income and leveraged income growth strategies.