
Understand the best messaging secrets so you can attract more premium buyers, stand out from the noise on social media, and become the sought-after brand your ideal clients want to invest in.


Understand the best messaging secrets so you can attract more premium buyers, stand out from the noise on social media, and become the sought-after brand your ideal clients want to invest in.


The classic messaging course on how to communicate the value of what you do in a way that gets your ideal clients. You're going to get super clear on your most profitable market positioning that doesn't change anything about the magic of your work inside your containers - plus all of my best social media marketing tips and tricks that will save you time on your phone and bring you 10x more leads.

Are you INSPIRING people online but not attracting enough serious buyers?

You could have the best marketing and social media strategy in the world and still not be making the money you want to make.

If this is you, I would bet it’s perhaps because you’re not focusing enough on MESSAGING.

Messaging is the words you say on your marketing platforms that convey the value in a strategic way that attracts BUYERS, not just followers.

After making $3M online (without paying for ads, using funnels, yucky DM strategies, going viral, or ever having over 10K followers) and helping hundreds of coaches scale to 6 and 7 figures, I created Effortless Content Secrets to teach you how to write not just any content, but MONEY-MAKING content online.


If you want to drastically increase revenue in your business, the best way is to not focus on MARKETING, but on MESSAGING.

Marketing is all the platforms and activities WHERE you go to sell,

MESSAGING is WHAT you say on those platforms.

All the activity your social media and your ads manager is trying to generate for you is useless if you don’t have a refined, intentional, and profitable marketing MESSAGE.

The common mindset of an underearning entrepreneur is: I have to be in all the places and the more people I reach, the more sales I’ll make.

What I do after making over $3M online, and what my 6 and 7 figure clients do, is to mainly operate on 1 or 2 platforms only. Our marketing activities are very selective.

We can do that because we focus on MESSAGING, which is what makes the money.

I’ve had under 10K followers on social media my whole life. And I’ve made multiple 7 figures in just a few years, far out-earning almost all influencers and “businesses” with huge followings but an uninformed monetization strategy.

Messaging is the words you say on your marketing platforms that convey the value in an intentional and strategic way that attracts BUYERS, not followers.


It's also the key to charging more for your services and finding buyers at those levels, too.

I used to be scared to charge over $1500 for my coaching packages when I first started.

Now I consistently sell $25,000 and $50,000 pay-in-fulls.

I have mastermind clients who come in charging $3,000 or $5,000 for coaching and know they are undervaluing themselves. They want to be doubling their rates (or adding a zero)...

…and when they implement our content and messaging strategies, they start attracting and closing $10,000 and $20,000 clients… over and over again.

If you know you’re capable of serving these kinds of clients and want to know the secret sauce to positioning yourself in that echelon, I’d love to break it down for you inside this course.

Because if we can do it, there’s no reason you can’t be doing it, too. 


My first launch sold to 4 people. Now, $200k+ launches are standard for me.

What changed?

I learned how to communicate the value of what I do in my written and video content, and attract high-level, premium clients that click “buy now” and “pay in full” with ease.

It hasn’t always been this way though.

When I was a self-mastery and life coach, I struggled to write about the results I brought in for my clients. It was challenging to express the nuances and varied processes behind my work.

I would take HOURS to write a post, editing it over and over again, only to send it out to the world and receive crickets in response.

Until I implemented my signature strategy…

I tested, tweaked, and refined every part of my process from the way I taught a masterclass to the way I wrote call to actions for my programs. It took a lot of trial and error, but my persistence paid off and the content I put out there started getting more than likes -- it got DMs and a steady stream of new buyers.

Now as a business coach, I use the same strategy and my posts take me 5 minutes to write. People read my content and say “you’re in my head!!!” on the front end… and my soulmate clients reach out to me on the backend.

People go from tuning into my masterclass to investing $10k or $25k in my programs… and they pay in full.


How do I do it? 





This course teaches you exactly how I produce and structure content that will lead to a steady flow of clients from free social media posting for you, too. It’s for coaches, brands, service providers, thought leaders, and personal development experts who struggle to communicate the various kinds of results you get for your clients -- and to attract the top of your possible market, price-point wise.

This isn’t about selling. It’s about attracting.

This isn’t about following social media trends.
It’s about timeless content principles


I’ll show you how to create content that weaves in sales and marketing psychology that works to attract the "yes" people in your audience instead of the ones with price objections.


Here's a peek at what you'll learn
inside Effortless Content Secrets

  • 01

    Module 1: Premium Buyer Psychology

    Learn exactly how to be a match for high level clients ready to invest in higher ticket offers through your choice of words and content. Know precisely who a premium buyer is, how they think, and how they make purchasing decisions so you talk to this portion of your audience (and yes, they are in your audience and they aren't who you think they are).

  • 02

    Module 2: Endless Moneymaking Content Ideas

    There's nice, inspiring content that gets likes and comments (and probably a lot of time for you to come up with it in a constant stream) and then there's MONEYMAKING content. In this module I give you the energy to be in to create magnetic content, storytelling best practices, 10+ content types so you never run out of ideas, and prompts for content that will keep an endless stream of creative juices flowing... and flowing in a direction of content types that are proven to drive buying behavior in your audience. 

  • 03

    Module 3: Structure for Motivating Buying Behavior

    One of the most important aspects of teaching content and messaging that I can give you, hands down. You resist structure, but yet become stressed and waste time and energy trying to create content only from flow. Why not have proven marketing principles at your fingertips that you can weave into your authentic voice that strengthen the likelihood someone buys from any given post or video you create. I teach you THE signature methodology I use for calls to action on content (masterclasses, videos, posts, live talks) that are BUILT TO GET YOU SALES. Calls to action are not "DM me if this resonates", there is a specific structure to follow that will help people say YES and take action to invest with you.

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    Module 4: Launch Content & Sequencing

    Let's ease your launch process by not having you create content from scratch every time you go to launch or be wondering how to talk about your program without sounding salesy and without just saying the same thing over and over again. There's a 4 phase easy launch process and a content sequence to loosely follow that is proven to get you more leads, more leads that want to buy, and help your messaging be crystal clear throughout the whole launch.

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    Systemization & Repurposing for Efficiency & Time Savings in Your Content Process

    The absolute gold. What my mastermind & private clients rave about... the content system game-changers for you as a visionary and creator. What to post where, how often, how to repurpose, how your team can help, how to re-use content without it being stale and energetically flat, how to save HOURS of time on social media every day/week, how to make sure you're crazy visible online without actually being online, and how to make sure every launch you do gets easier and easier because you're smartly LEVERAGING all the things you've created up until now.

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    Stop wasting time on long sales pages that don't attract the right buyers. Join my former in-house copywriter and support coach, Rickilee Walls, to learn what makes really good sales page copy. You’ll learn how to structure and write your own offer pages so that they actually make you sales and bring in the right, higher level people you want to work with.


$125,000 in 6 months with multiple high-end dream clients

I had quantum shifts in my income in a matter of weeks of coaching with Elaina. We straightened out my marketing and messaging and I got 15 discovery calls in a matter of 3 weeks. Once I started to change my messaging, people began to gravitate to me effortlessly. In 6 months, I made $125K and I’m almost at $200K by the end of the year. 

Jackie Simek

Mindset Coach & EFT Tapper, USA


Achieving $30,000 months with long-term and high-end brand strategy

Before working with Elaina, my messaging was all over the place and it lacked clarity. As soon as I narrowed down my content pillars and offers, my messaging became clear and valuable to the women I call in. My biggest shift was around the value of my container and its lifetime value. Investing in working with Elaina is one of the best decisions I made this year and I now make $30,000 months.

Juliet Lippman

Business Mentor, USA


$55,000 in sales in 90 days and 19 new soulmate clients 

Working with Elaina truly helped me understand my ideal client’s perspective and how to call her in. Elaina helped me create a bigger brand from my core messaging. By making these tweaks, I am now calling committed clients who are ready for results. This fine tuning has landed me 19 new soulmate clients that are invigorated with passion and I achieved $55,000 in sales in 90 days.

Regina Silva

Mindset and Business Coach, USA


From charging $250/session to birthing and selling a $10,000 offer

I recently worked with Elaina to improve my messaging and communication skills. I'd been coaching for about six years, charging around $250 per session. I made a huge shift in my pricing model and how I present myself, resulting in a 10x increase in my pricing. I learned to speak to clients in a more empowering way and to show rather than tell in my marketing. This approach helped me connect with clients on a more visceral level, which is crucial for my embodiment-focused work.

I also implemented a more targeted masterclass approach, which improved my conversion rates and revenue generation. I realized I had been giving away too much for free and learned to structure my offerings in a way that was more empowering for both me and my clients.

Chelsae Zirna

Embodiment & Relationship Coach, USA



  • brush-bullet-24

    A process for creating high-value content that comes to you with ease AND is effective for your business

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    The ingredients for launches that are seamless, easy, and systemized

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    Authentic, heart-centered content that still sells, without sounding robotic or salesey

  • The skill to tell stories that are true to you, while remaining relatable… you know, the kind that your ideal clients just can’t get enough of and that inspire them to take ACTION

  • An in-depth understanding of how premium clients think, behave, consume content, and purchase… PLUS how to get those clients to invest with you and not someone else

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    A bible of practices and guidelines so that you don’t have to start from scratch with every. Single. Post.

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    Discovery calls that practically book themselves

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    The know-how to be inspirational while also reaching your income goals


Inside Effortless Content Secrets you’ll learn how to:

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    Speak to the higher level people in your current audience

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    Create LESS but more EFFECTIVE launch copy

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    Motivate ideal clients to invest through your content

  • Modify your marketing strategy to be on less platforms but actually talking to the right people

  • Not to lose your voice while following a structure

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    How to create magnetic content and message your program without being weirdly salesy

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    Being more efficient with content writing - at some point you’ve already written and produced so much, it’s about LEVERAGING better and repurposing smartly what you already have


What’s Included?

You’ll have access to five modules where I teach the Effortless Contact Secrets curriculum. Each module of the curriculum gives clear takeaways, strategies, and action steps to integrate into your business immediately.

This is an accelerated container, crash-course style. I don’t expect you to implement all of these content secrets immediately. In fact, I had advised against it! This course is designed so that you can learn, practice, and implement strategies right away and then revisit the curriculum often to deep in your understanding as you scale your business. It’s a course that keeps on giving… even years and years later.


Your Investment

$997 pay in full




My prices have elevated to a new premium, high-ticket level and I'm booking higher-level $18,000 clients. The wealth energetics and money mindset work has been profound. I'm now embodying a completely new perspective around money that allows me to receive more financial wealth. 

Alora Rose

Nervous System Expert, USA


Getting it right from the start


I didn’t want to “wing” things. I was serious about building my coaching business and I wanted to do it the right way from the start. I wanted to learn structures, get clear on my messaging, and start to get REAL clients. Now I can proudly say that my messaging is clear, I enrolled my first handful of real clients who purchased coaching packages (yay!), launched my first masterclass successfully, built an audience on socials and so much more. Elaina’s messaging and marketing expertise refined things to a way that actually spoke to my audience and got converting clients.


Career Transition Coach, USA


Pumping out copy and bursting with ideas


I am now bursting at the seams with content ideas, pumping out copy like mad, and seeing more results in my engagement. You’re the QUEEN!


Mindset Coach, USA 


Steady flows of people booking sales calls


I wanted to create an inbound flow of people reading my content and booking sales calls. Now, through the work we did, I've learned how to communicate what I do in a way that pulls forward people who are a fit for my programs and they want to invest. My copywriting skills also got so much better. People are now booking sales calls just from my copy. I know the components that go in a piece of content and I know where I get to inject my story as well. And it makes it faster, too, to sit down and write a sales page or a post. I’ve had to put in less effort to get a greater result, which is really cool.

Jess Smith

EFT Tapper, USA


This is about Precision.

It’s about the exact right words to reach the exact right person in the exact right moment.

It’s about tangibly growing your business… no matter the size of your social media following or the stage of business you’re at. It's about learning to speak about your work in a way that really lands the value of what you do for your ideal client and that helps motivate them into action.


Back to back $10,000 months with magnetic feminine energy and masculine strategy & structure


One of the key pieces Elaina was able to help me with is being able to talk about my gifts in a really clear way. Understanding how to do marketing and talk to your ideal clients were the pieces I was lacking. Within 3 days of joining, I had my first $3,000 sale and then easily made the investment back afterwards. I had several $10,000 months and had only been in business full-time for two months prior. That’s due to a large part of understanding the sales process and psychology and learning to communicate about what I do because it’s a very unique skill set. I broke down a lot of limiting beliefs around my audience and premium pricing, too. I’m so glad that I now have magnetized high-level dream clients on a regular basis in a more feminine, non-pushy way.

Selina Smith

Subconscious Reprogramming Expert, USA


Attracting dream clients from everywhere


Before I started working with Elaina, I had dribs and drabs of clients and really struggled to go from a space of being inspiring on social media to having people investing in my programs and the work that I do. When I started working with Elaina, I started attracting dream clients. They started coming in from everywhere and my business really took off. 

 Charlotte Emma Johnston

Women's Coach, UK


Golden nuggets within 30 minutes


Not just a golden nugget but a golden log! I got my value from Effortless Content Secrets in the first 30 minutes of module one!!!! I love the idea that everyone has a premium buyer in them and it’s just about what part of them you are talking to and knowing how to activate it.

Marilyn Lalita

Coach, Canada




Investment: $997 pay in full

Got questions, love? I have answers.

  • Are there refunds or guarantees?

    No, we do not promise revenue increases or guarantee monetary results. All results are up to you and your resilience and skill in implementing. We never make refunds, so once you’re in, you’re in. Please thoroughly review the Terms & Conditions and Earnings Disclaimers on this website and calculate your own appetite for risk before joining. Our testimonials showcase what's possible and are real stories from real graduates, but we offer no guarantees you will see similar results.

  • How do I get 1-1 time with you, Elaina?

    This course doesn't include 1-1 time with me, but the Sapphire Mastermind and my 1-1 coaching does. You can also get access to additional strategy consulting with me in Business Advisory VIP Day.

  • Got more questions?

    If you have a question that's not answered here please send me a message on Instagram (@heyelainaray) and myself or someone from the team will support you in making the best decision for you whether to join the course or not.  You can also email


Hey, I'm

Elaina Ray is a business strategist for entrepreneurs in the healing and personal development space. She started her own company at zero and became a self-made multi-millionaire in just three years. She's also the author of Becoming Self Made and the host of the Million Dollar Spirit Business podcast.

Elaina specializes in offer development, high ticket sales, scaling strategy, and mindset and management skills for accelerated business growth. She uses intuitive and energetic principles as well as solid, proven 7 figure strategy and has helped hundreds of clients grow to 6 and 7 figures themselves over the last 6 years.

Elaina also has a multi-million dollar real estate portfolio with 3 properties on 2 continents and helps men and women invest the income from their coaching businesses in assets that create genuine financial freedom. She’s on a mission to help more people achieve financial freedom from doing their soul work and masterfully wielding wealth so good people can take up more space financially in the world.